Jan 5, 2021
Today we are sharing one of our favorite people with you. Deb is a single mother to one sweet little girl and she was part of our Beta test of the DCP Bootcamp this fall. What was unique about Deb and Emma’s experience of the DCP Bootcamp is that Deb shares custody with her ex-husband, so she had to get creative about when and how she and Emma would complete the 6 week course. But finish they did! And she plans to go through the Bootcamp again with Emma, maybe once a year, just so that they can continue to work on the Domestic Church.
One of the really important things to use as we created the DCP Bootcamp, is that we created a program for ALL Catholic Parents, because ALL Catholic Kids deserve to grow up in a Domestic Church. Currently there is little to nothing for single parents, and that is unacceptable! Every home should be a Domestic Church!
I hope you enjoy listening to Deb as much as we enjoyed talking to her. She is the type of person that is totally open and ready to talk about anything. She is also a 3rd grade teacher at a Catholic School, so she explains things in a way even I can understand ;).
Like so many other women, Deb has been called to raise her family as a single mother, and yet she takes serious her calling to still build and lead a Domestic Church. She offers so many beautiful insights that any parent will be able to relate to.
A big thank you to Deb for coming on and sharing her wisdom with us!
If you are interested in signing up for the DCP Bootcamp, it is offered exclusively inside of our app. We are enrolling families right now, but we will be closing enrollment on January 6th at midnight. To sign up and get access to this transformational program for Catholic Families, head here: https://www.domesticchurchproject.com/dcp-community.
In Christ,
Bill and Nancy